Support for Larger Organisations

Many larger organisations have some sort of HR support in place, maybe it’s one person or a team of people. This support is often to manage the day to day running of the business. Occasionally, your in house team may need additional support or specialist support in a key area. The first thing we will do, is sit down with you to get an overview of your business, your staff and your current ways of working. Our first 1 hour consultation is free. From this meeting, we can suggest a way forward.

Typically areas for consideration are:

Large Projects or recruitment campaigns – You have a large project on and you need more ‘feet on the ground’ to help you with the volume of work. This could be a restructure, a redundancy situation where you have many 1-1’s to do, or maybe a large recruitment campaign.

Team Development – You need someone to come in and run some team development sessions for you, but you do not have the skills or experience to do this internally. We have a lot of experience running such sessions, ensuring that the learning is applied back in the workplace.

Change Management – you might need specialist advice and support during a large Change Program. Understanding how to identify changes and then putting action plans in place to address them can be complex. We can help by working with your team using practical change management tools. We can also provide Change Management training to your teams.

Continuous Improvement activities – when you are dealing with the day to day operation of your business, it is sometimes hard to take a step back and look at improvements within HR. We can be your CI team and help you to identify improvements, this could be reviewing performance management processes, or looking at your policies.